Barack Obama's "JV Team" Comment Explained (Satire)

        As events in the Middle East continue to escalate, and ISIS continues to add more outrageous crimes to their ever-growing list of atrocities, top Republicans criticize President Obama for not taking the threat seriously.
The Commander in Chief has garnered the disapproval of lawmakers on the right side of the aisle, largely as a result of comments he made in early 2014, referring to ISIS as a “JV team”, and seemingly minimizing the potential danger posed by the terrorist organization.
However, any condemnation of this comment and comments like it is based solely on a gross mistranslation of the president’s true meaning.
        “The comment for which President Obama caught a lot of flak was actually generated as a result of a fundamental intelligence error on the part of Israeli intelligence services,” said White House spokesman Josh Earnest in response to questions asked by Fox News correspondent Ed Henry (who actually has the guts to ask real questions), “We at the White House are not attempting, in any way, to downplay the severity of the danger ISIL poses to the world.”
Earnest explained,
“We received a report in the later months of 2014 from Israeli intelligence forces, which seemed to indicate that ISIL was, quite literally, a JV team.   This report theorized that ISIL, as an offshoot of al Qaeda, was receiving all of the recruits ranging between 11 and 15 years of age.  We’re not sure, at this point, how Israel drew these conclusions.”
Liberal politicians in Washington support this claim, insisting that the president is not to blame for the mistake.
        “Josh Earnest is saying that we can blame this comment on Israel’s bad intelligence,” said Sen. Harry Reid, while dueling exercise equipment in his Nevada home, “he’s right: they’re really dumb.”
Reid could not explain why President Obama attended only 42% of his cabinet intelligence meetings, but the Senator does not think this statistic played a role in the president’s lack of knowledge on the ongoing crisis.
        “For our part, we will continue to degrade and destroy ISIL to the best of our ability,” said spokesman Earnest, “isolated airstrikes have been extremely successful.
“I mean, sure,” Earnest went on, “ISIL is receiving millions of dollars a day on the black market for oil, they have hundreds of thousands of militants and continue recruiting at an astonishing rate, they have possession of advanced weaponry, they control a landmass larger than that of many states in the Middle East, and they continue to kill and main thousands of innocents at will.  But to deny that we have seen progress in stopping them is completely unfounded, and really quite absurd.”
In response to doubts as to President Obama’s sincerity and determination to stamp out the terrorist organization, Earnest said,
“If everybody is honest, nobody has, and nobody can pin down an intent or motive behind the actions of ISIL [Acronym: Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant].  However, I can assure you, we at the White House are absolutely dedicated to destroying and degrading ISIL, whatever ideology is behind it all.”
        “If you ask me,” said Vice President Joe Biden, “we have already had tremendous success, at least in the arena of degrading ISIS… I mean, ISIL, sorry.  For my part, I’ve degraded them from a D to at least a D-, maybe even an F.”

President Obama himself was busy on the golf course, and was unavailable for comment.
